Saturday, March 15, 2008

So, a couple of weeks ago, I got into the '90's and bought an ipod. Now all of my spare time has been spent at the computer "ripping" my cd collection to the computer and uploading to the ipod. While the ripping has taken place, I've had time to catch up with my sisters blogs. Some of them are very funny but I was disheartened to learn that one has to have a blog in order to leave a comment on a blog. With the introduction of the ipod, I've got some time on my hands between changing discs, so here is my entry into blogdom.

You'll notice the first picture on my blog is titled my 6th baby. It's a .45 caliber Kimber Warrior...I have one just like it. (I didn't want my blog to be too girly.) When Melanie asked me why I bought it, I told her "I have Daughters, I will need this one day." Not that I actually plan on shooting anybody, but I will have to put the fear of DEATH into a number of hormonal teenage boys starting in about 7 years.

A month or so after Jadilyn turned 9, she asked Melanie "So, when am I going to get boobs?" This comment was followed by Natalie (Not yet 5) asking "Yeah, when am I going to get boobs and how big will mine be?" LA LA LA LA I'M NOT LISTENING. Honestly, what Father wants to think about that?

Apparently, Jadi is traumatized by having to clean her room. Because she's so artistic, she expressed her anger in a picture outlining the inhumanity and injustice...I'm going to try and post a copy of it tonight.

Danny is halfway through a 2 week grounding he received for spray painting the tires on our Suburban. He also is doing extra chores around the house to cover the cost of paint remover, and new paint for the garage trim and one pillar out front. Melanie was concerned that he's acting out because of social problems at school...he's almost 12. The hormones are kicking in, and the IQ is dropping. I think I've got another 3-4 years of just general Non-thinking due to hormonal imbalances. He should be through it about the time Jadi has her own set of moody hormones arrive...if I'm lucky. I don't think that will be the case though...her's will probably arrive in 2 years.

Natalie got to call both Grandparents yesterday, she was traumatized from being shot in the chin by a BB gun. Both her brothers are responsible, Danny loaded the gun, and Carson pulled the trigger. (Again, witness the aforementioned Non-thinking due to hormonal imbalances.) It didn't even break the skin, and she's perfectly fine, but getting to rat out her brother(s) to her Grandparents made her feel better.

Just a typical day at our house.

That's life as we know it.


Margaret said... make me laugh. Danny called our house today to talk to Lowden. When they got off the phone, I asked Lowden what they talked about. He said "Oh just our feelings and stuff." So Danny must have a thinking mind in there somewhere.

Wow your house is exciting! I'm glad you joined the blogging world. Maybe it won't see like you guys are so far away.

Jadi's cartoon had a certain edgy, realism to it that many coloring-in-the-lines kids lack. Go Jadi!

DO you think Melanie will ever do a post? Although, she may need her own blog with no gun in the sidebar?! But I have to admit that was pretty manly of almost is enough to detour us from the shaggy man picture above it. :-)

Laurie said...

What? No pictures of Danny's artistic expression manifested in the form of spray paint? I am just glad that you didn't pick the picture of you as a pirate :-) Shag on!


Laurie said...

Welcome to blogging! Maybe you should delete your last name in case someone from Child Protective Services reads about the BB!! We are definitely NEVER getting one of those at our house--too much money already invested in eyes!

rachel said...

Hey Steve,

Welcome to the blogging world!

We, too, had a phone call from your oldest son the other day. He and Olivia chatted for quite awhile. He's sure a chatty one.

See you this summer??

Kristin said...

Yeah Steve, this is going to be so much fun!!!! I love hearing the stories about the fam, and can't wait to see more pictures.

Valerie said...

Love your blog, Steve! How fun to do this while putting all your CDs on you Ipod. Fun stories of the kids. Keep 'em coming. Love you bro.

The deVilleneuves said...

Hey there Davises! Glad to have you out here in the blogging world! Are you still in Texas? (Sounds like it from the rainfall, but just checkin'.) Funny stuff, so far. Keep up the funny work. But, I have to ask...where are the pics of the great Suburban paint job?
Love to hear from you!
Christie and Co. (oregon)

Paula said...

Steve, Danny's episode with the spray paint reminds me of you --one summer long long long ago at your parents house you and me decided to wash the van (i think it was a van) and you decided to use the broom on top of the car to reach the dirt. (do you remember yet?) and Uncle Perry (dad) came out and had a cow (sorry uncle perry) for you had scratched the car good. Oh boy I still remember that day. Nice to read all the blogs of the family. take care,
your cuz Paula