Friday, April 10, 2009

It's been awhile?

For all my sisters (in laws too.) who are blog maniacs and freak out when I don't update regularly I've just got 4 words for you...I HAVE A JOB.
That being said, it has been a LONG TIME. Especially when I downloaded 4 months worth of pictures from the camera. So here are some of the highlights/updates:

Christmas / Wii pictures:
Not sure how Melanie manages to look SO GOOD, whereas I haven't aged as well. I'm a lucky Man.

On December 23rd, Melanie's best friend Christi (Hart) Hales passed away. This was unexpected and sad. But through the knowledge we have of the Plan of our Heavenly Father, and the Resurrection, we take comfort in the knowledge we will see her again.

We drove up for the viewing and memorial service in Bartlesville, OK. The night of the viewing, I took our 4 kids and 4 of Christi and Robert's kids for Ice cream. You should have seen the looks I got at the Braum's when I walked in alone with 8 children in church clothes on a Friday night.

Natalie's 6th birthday party was...wait for it...a Princess Party.
Even Carson got into the spirit of things. "Look I'm down with the whole Princess look, but I still want my new Star Wars Jedi Fighter."

He's very secure in his masculinity. He may be onto something here, the hunter always blends in with his surroundings to sneak amongst his prey.

After Danny's team took first place in Football, he went and won first place in Basketball! He wears a legacy number.

Oh, by the way, Danny's Coach, Bishop Whitworth, is 6' 8" tall. Yes, Danny is now taller than his Mother.

Danny's Band also won...wait for it...FIRST PLACE at a band competition they were in. No Uncle Michael, not a "Battle of the Bands".

He's on a roll...I think I'm going to have him pick me some lottery numbers!

Natalie let me pull her first loose tooth!

And didn't even cry!

Jadi is playing Soccer again, and doing very well! Here she is on defense.

and on offense.
And defending against the Cheetahs top scorer.
This was a GREAT Saturday. Jadi had a game at 8:30 am, Natalie had a dance recital at 10:30 am and Carson had a game at 1:00 pm. We were ALL OVER Wylie.

Here's a video of the recital. (Just Natalie's dance.)

The Joy

The Pain.

The Treats.

Well that's a brief Summary of the last 6 months. If a picture truly is worth 1000 words, I should be good for another month or so.